7th Annual Christian Waterfowlers Association
Call Maker Competition

June 6, 2020

Cross Church Springdale AR. Campus


1. Decorative Duck or Goose
2. Working Mallard Duck (Any Material)
3. Working Canada Goose (Any Material)

Rules/Entry Fees:

1. Any call entered into any category may only be entered by the actual maker/designer of the call.
2. Call makers can enter as many calls as they wish.
3. Calls May be made of any material using any method of making, ie, handmade, cnc, molded, ect.
4. Entry Fee is 20$ per call with Prize payback of 80% of all entry fees.
5. Calls being mailed in must be received no later than June 5th before the event unless you are attending and bringing the calls the afternoon of the event on June 6th.
6. Calls being hand delivered must be delivered to the contest booth by 2:00PM on Sat June 6th.  Please bring your completed form or complete one at the CWA table in the lobby area of the event venue.

***Calls that are mailed in and not being donated to the CWA Benefit Banquet Auction will be mailed back upon request.  Please include $10.00 for S&H in with your registration fee.***


1. The judging for the decorative category will be based mainly on looks and appearance, creativity of design, workmanship, and overall fit and finish.. but the call must also produce the sound of a duck or goose.
2. Judging in the working call categories will be based on several performance factors; ease of use, Hail call, feed or low end, and everything in between, along with craftsmanship and fit and finish.
3. Judges will be qualified and will be chosen by the CWA, and all scores will be final and confidential.


1. 1st Thru 3rd Place will receive Plaques and or medals in each category. Entry fees will pay out 80% however the Cash Prize payout will be determined by the number of total calls entered.

To enter please download, print & complete the Registration Form.

Mail with registration fee to Christian Waterfowlers Association % Call Comp.  434 Brush Creek Rd. Springdale, AR.  72762

Join us in preserving our Christian, waterfowling heritage.